feral - "in a wild state, especially after escape from captivity or domestication"

i love the big country, i was ghillie here 40 years ago ...

i hope "feral" will inspire you to step outside of your routine and push yourself

i am grateful that i am still able to cover the ground, staying fit up in the highlands is a lovely way to spend your day - eagles, deer, grouse & woodcock

  • Red stags, sika hinds & pricket

Highland pony kitted out to carry deer

on this remote estate in the highlands the ponies are the easiest way to get culled animals off the hill.

fishing out of Oban plenty of mackerel still taking the lures

luckily I have used my time to skill up and prepare myself for my next adventure - whether it is managing habitats in England, culling herbivores to reduce biodiversity loss, returning to Scotland as ghillie/stalker or ...

if you are looking for someone who is intelligent, proactive, fit of body & mind then make me an offer as this is the year (2024) it all changes...

all the images are my own and I am always looking for new vistas that can tell us a little more about ourselves

rainbow there is a saying - it doesn't always rain Scotland .... sometimes it snows